Saturday, September 25, 2010

You don't know what you've got till it's gone!

About 10 days ago, I had a chance to go to Atlanta to visit my sister at a hotel where she was in a training seminar. I didn't think I should go. I have a kitchen I'm trying to get together after remodeling. I've got painting to do, dishes to recabinet, and a pantry to arrange.
Finally I realized, I could go by and see Barbara a friend of 26 years and Bertha who has recently had some health problems that aren't out of the picture yet. I could also see Crystal Moon, but that seemed like too many things to try to get done in a 24 hour period.
Getting to see my friends was the turning point. I drove down on Tuesday morning, had lunch with Barbara as we drove over to Bertha's for a good visit. When we got back to Barbara's, I had to head into Buckhead. My sister and I had a great time visiting, eating at the Cheesecake Factory,  and reminiscing about our years living in Atlanta together. And a luxurious hotel didn't hurt.
The next morning after Rebecca headed down to class, I got myself together and got onto the highway. As I drove the opposite direction of the morning incoming traffic, I decided I had to go back by and visit a little more with Barbara. So I did. We sat and talked about 2 hours and caught up on the latest news. And I headed back to Middle Tennessee.
Once I was on the road and out of Atlanta, I got a phone call from Crystal Moon. She was also on 75 headed North about 25 miles ahead of me. So we stopped and had lunch together. What a treat! Visiting with Barbara for that 2 hours allowed up to have a special meet-up.
This was probably the best 36 hour trip I have ever had. Saw my sister and all my friends who live in Atlanta.
Yesterday, I was truly grateful for that visit with Barbara. I got an email that said she was gone. She had died early in the morning in her bedroom while she slept. I will sorely miss her. She was my yardstick, my confident, and my lifter-upper. Anytime we spoke on the phone when one of us was down, we'd both be laughing before we hung up. Barbara, I already miss you mightily and will always love you.

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